showtime: verbeke foundation
Franco Angeloni (It) I Pascal Bernier (B) I Phil Bloom (Nl) I Martin uit den Bogaard (Nl) I Merijn Bolink (Nl) I Kevin van Braak (Nl) I Micha Brendel (D) Peter Buggenhout (B) I Sjoerd Buisman (Nl) I Frank F. Castelyns (B) I I Roger Claessens (B) I Caroline Coolen (B) I Leo Copers (B) I Geoffrey De Beer (B) Annie De Bie (B) I Berlinde De Bruyckere (B) I Goele De Bruyn (B) I Peter De Cupere (B) I Delphine Deguislage (B) I Wim Delvoye (B) I Ronald De Winter (B)IHelmut Dick (D) I Moritz Ebinger (Ch) I Jan Fabre (B) I Michel François (B) I
Happy Famous Artists (Wonderland) I Harry Heirmans (B) I Idiots (Nl) I lap (Nl) I Lisa Jeannin (Swe) I Ruangsak Anuwatwimon (Thai) I Maartje Korstanje (Nl) I Chiel Kuijl (Nl) I Jeroen Kuster (Nl) I Reinier Lagendijk (Nl) I Joep Van Lieshout (Nl) Michael Linares (Pr) I Sarah Manje (Nl) I Kris Martin (B) I Sjef Meijman (Nl) I Ludo Mich (B) I Desmond Morris (Gb) I Honoré d'O (B) I Guy Rombouts (B) I Liron Ross (Isrl) Rolf Schuurmans (Nl) I Servaas (Nl) I Seymour Likely (Nl) I Materializer Industries (Kor Smeenge) (Nl)I Helmut Smits (Nl) I Renate Spee (B) I Startel (Nl) I Polona Tratnik (Slo)Timm Ulrichs (D) I Camiel Van Breedam (B) I Bart Van Dijck (B) I Kris Vanhemelrijck (B) I Koen Vanmechelen (B) I Herman Van Nazareth (B) I Serge Verstockt (B) I Julia Wenners (D)
click here for verbeke foundation and here for glamor is undead
and here for happy famous artists
c'lick me - netporn festival
(picture: happy famous artists - meatlove - c-print)
click here and here for paradiso amsterdam
and here for happy famous horny bastards
showtime: introduction
click here for think.21 gallery and here for stephan balleux and here for michael salter and here for jeanne susplugas
Beyond the Scrapbook
Tarrant County College
The Art Corridor II
Southeast Campus, Arlington, Texas
May 7 - June 15, 2007
Monday, June 4, 4:30 - 6:30 pm
Artist's books by Joy Christiansen, Brett Dyer, Hannah Frieser, Allison Gillies, Danielle Grove, Alison Hahn, Jana Perez, and Deanna Wood
Curated by Deanna Wood
With the popularity of scrapbooking, it is apparent that people are motivated to present their family memories in an aesthetically pleasing way. Beyond the Scrapbook shows how artists utilize the book form to present their family memories in a way that transcends the traditional forms and materials generally associated with family scrapbooks; essentially creating works of art from painful, joyous, or mundane events and stories remembered from their childhoods.
These artists sometimes use standard, traditional scrapbook materials but also introduce new materials and methods such as photocopies, solvent transfer, photo manipulation, and non-traditional bindings.
In her book titled, “Mom’s Lunches,” Alison Hahn lovingly pays tribute to her mother. The book is “inspired by the memories of the lunches my mother packed for me and my brothers and sisters growing up.”
Clearly coming from a different childhood experience, Jana Perez created “i am not crazy,” an artists book of Xeroxed photography which deals with her mother's battle with depression and the artist’s response to it both as a child and as an adult.
Deanna Wood celebrates the fun and freedom of childhood with her book titled, “At the Park.” She photographed her son playing and swinging at a park. The artist created an accordion book that hangs from chain on a metal structure that mimics a swing set.
These and the other artists featured in Beyond the Scrapbook have each presented their family histories in very different ways. Some celebrate their past while others delve into the dark side of family memories. But each has used the medium of book arts to preserve the past and create a work of art that transcends the traditional scrapbook.
A viewer can touch and feel these books - the texture of the paper, the weight of the book in his hands, the smell of the contents, and the interactive nature of turning the pages. Artist’s books beckon the observer to become a participant in the art as she immerses herself in the artist’s lives in an intimate way that is unlike any other art viewing experience.
See installation shots here.-------------
Gallery hours:
Mon-Thu 8 am - 9 pm
Friday 8 am - 5 pm
Saturday 9 am - 3 pm
For more information, contact Devon Nowlin at 817-515-3406.
I'd like to say a special thanks to Devon for doing such a great job with installation and marketing!
Houston Workshop
I had a fun time in Houston and met some great artists in my workshop. Lauren organized the whole thing and Maud let us use her studio in a great artist studio/warehouse called The Foundry.
I used to complain about Houston (hot, humid, smelly, did I mention hot?), but changed my mind when I found out what a great art community it has. Great museums. The Rothko Chapel... And it's close to the beach, so I guess it's not all bad.
No beach for me this time, though. I also used the opportunity to deliver a couple of new paintings to the Koelsch Gallery. They have a beautiful new space in The Heights. Of course I forgot to take pictures there...
So today I'm off to ship some paintings to Ernden Fine Art in Provincetown, Massachusetts, have lunch with a long lost friend and then I'm going to take photos of a show that I curated. More on that later...
happy famous artists on placebokatz
click picture to enlarge
click here and here and here and hereand here
and here and here for stoked famous niggaz ;-)
I'm Off! Houston to teach an encaustic workshop.
Sorry I've been neglecting the blog recently. I actually did start a post but haven't finished it yet.
I had an open studio, delivered artwork for a book show I curated, packing up artwork for galleries, and I'm working on the bookmaking workshops that I'll be teaching soon.
I'll post an update on what's been going on and report on the workshop when I get back!
special event: alle menschen werden brüder
click here
to all of you MAMA posse a very special announcement: thomas säckl (1958-2007) was one of the first to be very actively involved with MAMA in the early years. On his request the infamous 1999 supergeile säckl&schmalschläger party will be organized once more by his partner in crime rené. schweinewurst, beermugs and dj´s en vj´s fnnn, hotcake, zoran leipheimer, 113b line up.
dirty details: saturday may 5 - 22.00h
de unie mauritsweg 34
5 euris
showtime: pushing the canvas
click here
artists: stefan annerel, virginie bailly, stephan balleux, charlotte beaudry, cum*, ellen de meutter, pieter degand, stief desmet, stef driesen, kati heck, thomas huyghe, wannes lecompte, tom liekens, annick lizein, matthieu ronsse, helmut stallaerts, oxana taran, nicolas verhulst, vadim vosters, cindy wright