Self Doubt

I'm always worried when I send my paintings out into the world. I'm afraid that when someone sees them in person, they'll be disappointed. Perhaps a gallery owner will like the images on my website but when they see the actual paintings, they'll say, "Ick. What was I thinking?"

But that's what it's all about, really. You do your best to create your work and then when it's out of your hands it has a life of its own. There's always that risk that you'll get negative feedback or criticism. I suppose if you weren't willing to risk it, you'd just hide your paintings in a closet.

I sent some paintings off to a gallery earlier this week and have been having those secret worries and fears. The gallery owner sent me an email that said, "I received your paintings this morning and I'm thrilled. They are everything I hoped they would be."

How cool is that?
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