Slacker Update from Mirabee

Greetings Earthlings!

I know my presence online has been spotty at best this summer. But please forgive me. You should know that the following things have been going on and will continue to go on until mid-September:

1. Final proofreading of my book.
2. Publicity stuff for my book.
3. Massive home-improvement projects.
4. Oh, I forgot I was getting married too!
5. All the stuff you have to do for # 4 when you are on a budget, like make everything
yourself and grow all your own flowers.
6. Helping a friend edit his book.
7. Play with dogs in yard when it's not over 95 degrees outside.
8. Entertain a non-stop stream of out-of-town guests.
9. Start work on my website and book trailer for my memoir.

So the best thing for you is to lower your expectations of me this summer and just know that my postings will be pretty spotty until mid-September, okay? Thanks for understanding! You should, however, be aware that there are many, many deadlines mid-September for residencies, grants, etc. For residency deadlines, go to my links on the sidebar and do your cheerful searching there.

Best to you all and I'll catch up with you as soon as I can!
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