Happy Labor Day Weekend....here are a handful of new residencies to apply for this fall...cheers,Mirabee
p.s. sorry about the weird formatting....Blogger is having a headache today.
Few programs exist either on the national or international level where the sole mission is to support the creativity of artists. From the beginning, the art-making process has been the highest priority at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts in Omaha Nebraska, where both the atmosphere and environment offer ideal situations for creative growth and experimentation. Artists from around the world come to the Bemis Center to work in this supportive community and confront new challenges. The Bemis Center provides Artists-in-Residence with the gift of time, space and support.
TIME 3 months of uninterrupted, self-directed work time.
SPACE The Bemis Center is housed in two urban warehouses totaling 110,000 square feet in Omaha, NE. Each artist is provided with a generously sized live/work studio with a private bathroom and 24 hour access to facilities including a wood shop, installation spaces, dark room and a large sculpture fabrication facility.
SUPPORT each resident receives a $750 monthly stipend.
Applications are due September 30th for three month residencies scheduled between July and December, 2012. The application fee is $40. There no fee to attend. For more information and to apply please visit our website. http://www.bemiscenter.org/residency/index.html
Each year, Can Serrat offers a limited number of Support Stipends to visual artists and writers. The stipends cover 40% of the total cost (food, lodging and workspace) of stays lasting from 30-90 days(the stipend cannot be combined with discounts mentioned in the pricelist).
Visual Artists Support Stipend
Each recipient may choose a 30-90 day time slot within a year from the original notification (assuming space is available at that time).
Deadline for Applications
Applications are accepted at the same time as the full-stipend calls. We accept materials from Visual Artists during April 1-30, and from October 1-31st. Applicants for the full stipend are automatically considered for a partial stipend. Applications are accepted solely by email.
For more info:
Can Serrat International Art Center
Masia Can Serrat
, 08294 El Bruc Spain tel: (34) 937 710 037
(ALL) Spark Box Studio Residency Program— is now accepting applications for their Winter 2012 Residency Program—Their Artist Residency Program provides live/work space to accommodate both emerging and professional printmakers, photographers, painters, illustrators and writers. Artists-in-residence have access to our professional studio and resources.
The Residency Program affords artists the space and time to support the advancement of their careers and to strengthen their practice. Artists-in-residence stay in a charming farm house located by the historic Prince Edward County, Ontario. Prince Edward County is the quintessential rural environment, filled with open fields, walking trails, fresh air and starry nights. It is also home to amazing food, beautiful beaches, dozens of wineries, art festivals and live music.
Interested artists may apply to live and work at Spark Box from a weekend to 2 months. To learn more please visit our website http://sparkboxstudio.com/residency/ Spark Box Studio Residency
885 County Rd. 5., Picton, Ontario, K0K 2T0
t. 613.476.0337 / info@sparkboxstudio.co
(ARTISTS) The European Pépinières for Young Artists Residency—is currently calling for proposals within two frameworks: the map 2011-2012 programme and the M4m programme.
The map 2011-2012 programme is a extension of the map programme, which has been initiated by the Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes. In order to address the different movements of the young generation of artists, this program offers a panel of artists mobility concepts led by partner places. It is open to artists between 18 and 35 years old, living in one of the program’s member countries:
Austria – Belgium – Bulgaria – Cyprus – Czech Republic – Denmark – England – Estonia – Finland – France – Germany – Greece – Hungary – Iceland – Ireland – Italy – Latvia – Lithuania – Luxembourg – Malta – Netherlands – Poland – Portugal – Quebec, Canada – Romania – Serbia-Montenegro – Scotland – Slovakia – Slovenia – Spain – Sweden – Turkey.
This residency must be outside of their country of origin and/or residence.
In the framework of the map 2011-2012 programme, you can apply for the following residencies:
- Buitenwerkplaats, Starnmeer, Netherlands
- KIK, Nijeveen, Netherlands
- Plaatsmaken, Arnhem, Netherlands
- NP3, Groningen, Netherlands
- Transcultures, Belgium
M4m (M for mobility) is M4m is an artistic mobility programme supported by European Commission and initiated by 7 cosignatories and 12 associated partners in order to facilitate encounters, exchange and common work between emerging artists and professionals from the creative and cultural world taking part in the different steps of an art production. This programme is dedicated to young artists and young professionals from the creation and cultural world from all fields of expression over 18 years old and living in a European country. Every artist or professional can apply for only one residency, which must be outside of its country of origin and/or residence.
In the framework of the M4m programme, you can apply for the following residencies:
(ARTISTS) Open Call - Residency Unlimited—seeks a NYC based artist for an
8 months residency starting Oct. 1st, 2011 (
Deadline Sept 9th, 2011)—for more info, go to:
What does this residency provide? What are the criteria for selection?
- Artist must be living in New York City and is in need of a working studio.
- Artist agrees to cover the monthly rent for the studio. ($188 per month for 8 months)
- Artist agrees to develop a body of new work
To apply, please submit the following by September 9, 2011
via email to nyc-opencall@residencyunlimited.org