PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT: So I have been getting wonderful messages from people all over the world, thanking me for this blog, people from as far away as Ghana, Hungary, Sweden, and Brazil. I know I need to set up a poll to find out where the heck you guys are finding this site but until I do that, I kind of prefer the more personal approach, which is to: A. ask you how you found this blog and B: ask you to leave a comment below about what it is in particular you are looking for (a grant to travel to West Africa, for instance, or you are an emerging painter looking for a fellowship to study in Italy for a year or you are a mid-career writer who wants to just write poetry for a month, or you are a composer who just lost his job and needs emergency funding, etc.). I will read everything I get and store it into my wee brain for future postings.

As most of you know, I do this for free and am currently unemployed (let's hope I get a big advance on my book...soon to be sent out to publishers!) so I can't promise immediate action on your requests but anything you tell me will help shape the evolution of this blog so I can serve you better. And knowing where you are all finding me will help me in the future when I try to actually sit down and make an effort to be visible on search engines. I'm just trying to keep up with posting right now. Anyway, I am hoping that down the road, perhaps MFA programs or low-residency programs will want to advertise on my site so that can help it keep going. And I promise I will never put any flashing annoying pop-up ads on it, ever! That is one of the reasons I created this site. I cannot stand those hard-to-navigate-everything-but-the-kitchen-sink flashy arts websites that not only are impossible to read but they also charge money. I never want to charge for this site if I can help it. So please, if you have a second, tell me where you found me in a brief message and let me know if you are looking for anything in particular. Here at Mira's List, we live to serve. Well. We also live for art, dogs, music, food, graphic novels, baby animals, love, dreams, and the luminous sea. Cheers y'all. Mira
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