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Painting by Leslie Saeta |
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artist info and museum
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Painting by Leslie Saeta |
(ALL) ECF - Collaboration Grants —Collaboration Grants support independent cultural organizations working together across borders and disciplines.
Collaboration Grants fund transnational, cross-sectoral activities by independent cultural and artistic organisations working together or with organisations from other sectors. The main applicant needs to be a cultural organisation based in Europe (EU Europe and EU Neighbourhood region), while partner applicants can work in sectors outside the cultural field.
ECF regards the ideal ‘collaboration’ as one that brings a renewed understanding of Europe to people of all backgrounds, and inspires them to regard the world’s future as a shared enterprise. We particularly admire efforts that are daring, different and challenge the status quo. The average award funded is €15,000 with the maximum being €30,000.
For more information on how to apply, to access the ‘how to apply’ PDF booklet and the application form, on our website. Deadline: 01 September 2011 http://www.eurocult.org/grants/collaboration-grants
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Painting by Dreama Tolle Perry |
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Painting by Leslie Saeta |
The Top Ten art collectors of this year include Hélène and Bernard Arnault, Debra and Leon Black, Edythe L. and Eli Broad, Halit Cingillioglu, Alexandra and Steven A. Cohen, Laurence Graff, Philip S. Niarchos, François Pinault and Emily and Mitchell Rales.
(via ARTnews)
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Painting by Dreama Tolle Perry |
Artists working in various printmaking techniques, photo-processes, book arts and digital media including sound/video production can apply to become an Artist-in-Residence at Kala Art Institute. Residency applications are accepted four times per year. Artists who apply for residency should be familiar with at least one of the media offered at Kala. Considerations for acceptance are conceptual creativity and technical knowledge. Kala encourages use of both traditional and new technologies, and their admixture.
Resident artists receive 24-hour access to the printmaking workshop and/or electronic media center, individual storage space, possible exposure on Kala's website and in other exhibitions at Kala or outside exhibition spaces, and participation in a vital, international artistic community. Artists also receive a 20% discount on classes and private tutoring offered by Kala.
Please note that this is a studio residency only; housing is not included. Artists are responsible for finding their own housing.
Applications are reviewed four times per year. Artists may apply for 1-, 2-, or 3-month residencies, and must specify the desired residency length in the application. (6-month residencies also exist, but are only available to continuing and returning Artists-in-Residence who have done the 3-month Evaluative Review.)
Application deadlines (materials received by):
January 31
residencies starting in March, April, May, or June
April 30
residencies starting in June, July, August, or September
July 31
residencies starting in September, October, November, or December
October 31
residencies starting in December, January, February, or March
(Note that there is some overlap of months. This means that artists applying on January 31 would have first dibs on residencies starting in June, but artists applying on April 30 would also be able to start in June if there are spots available.)
Submission Materials
Please submit the following by email or mail (to carrie@kala.org):
-application cover sheet (download here)
-resumé (include detailed information on your previous experience with the media you wish to use at Kala)
-work samples (CD/DVD); maximum 20 works or 10 minutes of video (if sending by email, under 10MB total)
-image list
-artist statement
Materials will not be returned.
For more information, e-mail Program Coordinator Carrie Hott at carrie@kala.org.
(ARTISTS/MULTIMEDIA) Weir Farm Trust, Wilton, CT—November-April—Residencies of 2-4 weeks for film, video, and multimedia artists (in addition to visual artists of all types). Organization provides housing, studio, and stipend ($500 per month). Residents are responsible for deposit ($75, refunded on artist’s arrival), food, travel, and materials.
***I just heard from a Mira's List fan that this place no longer gives out stipends so please check with them first before applying. Sometimes things change season to season in this economy. Application available on website: www.nps.gov/wefa
Deadline: July 15, 2011
FEE: $25.
Weir Farm Trust
735 Nod Hill Rd.
Wilton, CT 06897
T: (203) 761-9945, FAX: (203) 761-9116
(ALL) Fogo Island Arts Corporation Residency Program 2012-2013—The Fogo Island Arts Corporation is a new contemporary art venue on the east coast of Canada. The Arts Corporation runs two distinct yet complementary programs, the Residency program and the Production program. Both programs encourage dialogue between visiting artists and local people to share experiences and perceptions.
The Fogo Island Arts Corporation's mission to bring together local communities and the international art scene is reflected in the accommodations and work space provided to Residency Program participants. Striking new studios are being built at locations across the island. Living spaces are provided in refurbished traditional homes located in nearby communities on the island.
how to apply
Visual artists, curators, writers and filmmakers can apply for residencies on Fogo Island in 2012 – 2013. Residencies are from 3 to 6 months. Visiting professionals are provided with a studio (work space) and a house to live in. Individuals selected to the program can apply for stipend to cover materials and living costs on the island and for travel (to and from Fogo Island only).
For more info, go to: http://artscorpfogoisland.ca/?page_id=6
Fogo Island Arts Corporation Application Committee
Highway 334, suite 100 NL - A0G 2X0
Newfoundland Canada
tel: +1 709 270 0011
(WASHINGTON ARTISTS) Artist Trust Arts Innovator Award – Awards of $25,000 to individual artists in any discipline who reside in Washington State and are originating new work, experimenting with new ideas, taking risks and pushing the boundaries in their fields. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a minimum of 5 years in their professional art practice. A letter of recommendation is also required. See website for complete guidelines and application instructions. Artist Trust, 1835 12th Ave., Seattle, WA 98122, Contact: Miguel Guillén, Program Manager, T: (206) 467-8734 ext. 11, Miguel@artisttrust.org, http://artisttrust.org/index.php/for-artists/money#arts_innovator_awards. Deadline: July 25, 2011
(ALL) Yaddo (year-round, Saratoga Springs, NY) – Residencies of an average of 5 weeks for writers, media artists, visual artists and performing artists working at the professional level in their fields. Facilities include dance/choreography studios, exhibition/installation spaces, metal shop, music studio, and performing arts space. Residency provides housing, meals, studio, travel assistance, and materials stipend. Artists responsible for additional materials or travel costs. FEE: $30. Yaddo, P.O. Box 395, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, T: (518) 584-0746, FAX: (518) 584-1312, yaddo@yaddo.org, www.yaddo.org. Deadline: August 1, 2011
(ALL) AMA Grant—AMA supports mobility within the African continent by providing the costs of travel, visa and travel insurance for the duration of stay. AMA supports all artists and cultural operators living and working in Africa for travels within and between the African regions. It supports the travel of artists and cultural professionals working in the following artistic fields:
- Performing arts : theatre, dance, story telling...etc
- Music
- Visual arts
- Cinema
- Literature
Art Moves Africa (AMA) aims to facilitate cultural and artistic exchanges within the African continent. AMA offers travel funds to artists, arts professionals and cultural operators living and working in Africa to travel within the continent in order to engage in the exchange of information, the enhancement of skills, the development of informal networks and the pursuit of cooperation. Deadline : 01 September, 2011
More Information: http://www.artmovesafrica.org/
(MEDIA ARTS/SOUND ARTISTS/SCULPTORS) Nodar Artist Residency Program—Binaural is a Portuguese non-profit Cultural Organization founded in 2004 with the aim of promoting the exploration and research in sound / visual and new media arts, focusing on the crossing of media and languages and on the articulation between the artistic production and the surrounding context, particularly through its activities in the rural space of Nodar.
Rural Architechtures: The 2012 Nodar Artist Residency Program will specifically explore the interactions between landscape, architecture and sound in the rural context of the Gralheira Mountains, municipality of São Pedro do Sul.
12 art projects by individual artists or collectives will be selected. The art works will acoustically "activate" different types of rural constructions, through the creation of context-specific sound installations and sculptures. Deadline: 15 September, 2011
Application Form
Nodar Artist Residency Center: Associação Cultural de Nodar, Nodar – Caixa Postal 119, 3660-324, S. Martinho das Moitas, Portugal
Tel. +351 232 357 060
(NATIVE AMERICAN ARTISTS) First Peoples Fund Invites Applications for Artist in Business Leadership Program—The First Peoples Fund’s Artist in Business Leadership Program is designed to help entrepreneurial Native American artists develop their marketing and business skills and build self-sustaining, arts-based businesses.
This one-year, self-directed program provides a working capital grant of up to $5,000 to support work on a marketing plan/strategy or business goal as defined by the artist applicant. Additional program benefits include technical assistance, a professional network of peers, and travel expenses to FPF’s professional development workshops. The fellowship places emphasis on new works to stimulate creativity and a renewal of energy in Native art expression.
Applicants must be members of a Northern Great Plains tribe located in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Minnesota, Nebraska, the Eastern Plateau region of Idaho, Oregon, or Washington; a tribe from the Great Lakes region of Minnesota, Michigan, or Wisconsin; a tribe belonging to the U.S. Eastern Seaboard states; or a Hawaiian or Alaska Native. Affiliated Canadian First Nations artists are also eligible. For complete program information, eligibility rules and application procedures, visit the FPF Web site: http://www.firstpeoplesfund.org/artists_artist_in_business_leadership.html
(NEW MEDIA) New Arts in Media Grant—The National Endowment for the Arts is accepting applications for their new Arts in Media category open to mobile technology, digital games, and other platforms. Grants are available to support the development, production, and national distribution of innovative media projects about the arts and media projects that can be considered works of art. Grants generally will range from $10,000 to $200,000, based on the platform and the complexity and scope of the project. For more info, go to: http://www.nea.gov/grants/apply/AIM-presentation.html Deadline is September 1, 2011.
(PHOTOGRAPHERS) Vision Quest Residency—Vision Quest Photo Workshops announces a new yearly grant of a one-week photographic artist’s residency. This grant provides mid-career fine-art photographers a retreat-like experience to work on their art, reflect on their artistic direction, make new photographs, plan new career paths, or to simply have time away from work/family/life pressure and stress. Photographers can use this time to move their art or career forward or to reflect on where they are at and where they are headed.
The artist will stay in a very private retreat in the woods along the banks of a pristine sand-bottom river, located near Grantsburg, Wisconsin (about an hour drive from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul). The residency will include a private consultation, in person or via phone, with Vision Quest Photo Workshops founder and director Douglas Beasley before the week begins and after its conclusion. For more details please visit the website. For more info, go to: http://www.vqphoto.com
Contact: 651-644-1400