This year at the conference, the conferees were invited to bring one piece that measured 12" x 12" or less to hang in the hallway gallery. The Montserrat staff spent a long time applying tape to the wall to form a grid for the pieces to hang within.
I got there early, when there were only a few pieces installed, so it was fun to see the wall fill up with artwork. There were also a few 3-dimensional pieces that sat on pedestals in front of the wall.
Here are some photos of the hallway in various stages of the installation:

During the opening reception
Here are some shots of some of the pieces that I liked. I don't remember a lot of the artist information, but I included it where I knew it or could read the tag in the photo:

Congratulations to Karen Freedman! Her piece above was chosen by Joanne Mattera for the Director's Prize. For the first time, the prize was chosen from the work of the conferees.
I really enjoyed being able to see so much work in person. It was fun to meet someone and then ask them about their piece in the hallway and be able to have a conversation about it. It was also a great showcase of the variety of ways that artists use this versatile medium. I'm really looking forward to the "Everybody Into the Pool" show that Joanne is already talking about for next year!
There's a list of other conferees who are blogging about the conference on the Montserrat Encaustic Conference blog. Be sure to check them out!
To be continued...