Goals for 2007

Lots of bloggers have been posting their goals in response to Alyson Stanfield's posts - or just making resolutions in general...

I've been thinking about my goals for 2007 and have been hesitant to post them... I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I tend to want to make sure things are just so before putting them out there. Also, if I post my goals on the internets, then everybody can see them. Then I have to succeed, right?

Anyway, I'm going to put it out there with the knowledge that I can always change them and add to them later. So here's what I've come up with (so far):

Create 10 new 24" x 24" paintings
Create 20 new 12" x 12" paintings

Create my own effective productivity system (after reading Getting Things Done by David Allen)
Follow up with galleries that had expressed interest in my work in the past (I will keep a file and review it monthly)
Send out 5 brochure/cover letter packets per month to new galleries (I will research galleries online and in person)
Send letters to past jurors (to keep me on their radar)
Update my mailing list quarterly
Receive gallery representation at galleries in 2 major cities
Schedule 1 additional solo show for 2008
Redesign my website (mostly because someone stole my design!)
Continue promoting and marketing my encaustic workshops (with postcards and emails)
Update website once a month
Enter at least 3 juried shows
Attend the National Encaustic Painting Conference at Montserrat College in June
Host an open studio event at my studio (either spring or fall)

I'll revisit these goals occasionally on this blog to review how it's going...
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