The beginning

Today was my first day of "freedom." Friday was the last day at the day job.

I sent off my entry to R&F's Encaustic Works 07. Tonight I'm going to get my entry ready for New American Paintings (this is the year!) and possibly respond to a couple of other calls for proposals.

I started freaking out a little about money today - just minor things like worrying that I don't have enough and wondering where it's going to come from...

I tend to be more pragmatic and cautious, so saying things like, "The universe will provide," seems a little flaky to me. It sounds great until you try to explain it to a parent or an ex-spouse...

Today I also helped out with the installation of the local art group's national juried show (I unpacked the artwork again this year, so I have lots more ranting to do about how not to pack artwork - I even took pictures of some of the worst offenders!).

Tomorrow I'm off to Kansas. I'm spending the night with my brother and his family in Overland Park. I had my work sent there from the last show in Iowa, so I'm going to pick it up there and drive it to Manhattan for installation. The reception is Saturday, April 14th from 4 to 6 pm - if you're in the area, stop by and say hi!

My friend Colleen will hopefully be able to go to the reception, so that'll be fun.

Last night I watched What the Bleep Do We Know? It sounds similar to The Secret. It was about reality and quantum physics and all that. I liked it but I need to watch it again. That stuff just blows my mind...

I get back on Sunday and plan to spend a lot of time in my studio next week. I want to finish up my Waxy Buildup pieces and get started on the next thing. I want to explore the concept of palimpsest - where writing has been erased and written over.

Oh, and I've also curated a show that will be on display in May at Tarrant County College in Arlington, Texas. It's a show of artist's books called Beyond the Scrapbook. More about that later.

Well, I guess I should pack!
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