Montana Artists Refuge - Residencies Available
Springtime in the Rockies! Special May 2009 vacancies available. Located in tiny Basin, Montana--about halfway between Helena (the state capital) and Butte--the Montana Artists Refuge is a place where visual artists, writers, and musicians find quiet and respite from the rigors of modern life. There are a couple scholarships available for this residency (otherwise it costs money) so check the website for details. Their May 15th deadline is for a fully funded residency in October. Visit: www.montanaartistsrefuge.org for more information.
Montana Artists Refuge / American Indian Artists Residencies /
All Disciplines
The Montana Artists Refuge calls for artists to apply for the American Indian Artists residencies for 2009. The American Indian Artists Residency (AIAR) is a fully funded month-long program for five Native American artists. Funding includes: rent and stipends for food, materials and travel expenses. AIAR applications can be downloaded from www.montanartistsrefuge.org.
If you have questions, please contact Debbie Sheehan at 406.225.3500 or Visit: www.montanaartistsrefuge.org for more information.
Deadline: June, 15, 2009
Email: mar@mt.net
ArtsEdge Residency Project In Philadelphia / Call to Artists & Writers
ArtsEdge is a new collaborative residency project designed to encourage the careers of emergent writers and artists. Residencies last for one year and include a dedicated studio for each writer/artist, living space, and close affiliation with the writing and artistic communities at Penn. During the course of their residencies, writers and artists will be encouraged to develop at least one collaborative project with the Writers House or Fine Arts Department. Qualified applicants may also be considered to teach one course at Penn in the spring semester.
For more info, write to: ArtsEdge Residency, Kelly Writers House, 3805 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Or email: residencyproject@writing.upenn.edu
Deadline: April, 15, 2009
These three listings are from ARTIST'S TRUST where you can find many more great things, such as exhibition and publishing opportunities, jobs, internships, etc. And if you live in Seattle, go to one of their grant workshops!