Edenfred in Madison, Wisconsin provides creative artists uninterrupted time to work in a peaceful setting. It is a gracious 1916 Georgian-style mansion in Madison, Wisconsin, on 2.5 acres with beautiful gardens, a lovely pond, a small woods and outdoor swimming pool (summer only). The Resident Fellows Program is designed as a retreat experience to pursue personal creative opportunities while sharing collegial interaction with a small group of artists (four resident suites). Edenfred is located in the quiet and serene Highlands neighborhood of Madison, one of the highest points in the city, and includes 1.5 acres of park-like woodland with walking trails. It is also minutes from downtown, Lake Mendota, UW-Madison campus, shopping and entertainment and multiple options for walking including a nearby conservation park. Madison, one of the most bicycle friendly cities in the US, is located in south central Wisconsin known for its verdant rolling hills and beautiful landscapes. Open to all disciplines, however, no art studios or private sound studios are provided. Arrangements are sometimes made with local arts organizations to help facilitate visual artists and sound artists/musicians. Please check the website for details and application materials: http://www.edenfred.org/. Deadline for the February 2010 to June 2010 season is August 1, 2009. The average residency length is two to eight weeks and the average number of artists in residence at a time is one to five. Edenfred is especially interested in collaborative and interdisciplinary residencies. All arts disciplines are eligible; we welcome all artists who can work within our equipment and spatial limitations. The house is particularly suited to up to four individuals working together on a single project. Scholars in any discipline are eligible as long as the specific project is related to the arts. Arts administrators and other arts professionals are also welcome to apply as a retreat or re-engagement with art-making endeavors.
(ALL DISIPLINES) free103point9 Wave Farm AIRtime Residencies
The AIRtime residency program provides artists with valuable space in which to concentrate on new transmission works and conduct research about the genre using free103point9's resource library and equipment holdings. Ten residents are selected from an open application process each year. The residencies take place at free103point9's Wave Farm, a retreat-like setting on 30 acres in the town of Acra, in upstate New York. Situated within the spectacular Hudson Valley, Wave Farm is free103point9's upstate New York location. Home to artist residencies, a performance and exhibition series, a transmission sculpture garden, and a forthcoming study center, the property features ponds, meadows, walking paths through a mature pine forest, and mountain views on 30 pastoral acres in the northern foothills of Catskill Mountain Park. The average length of residency is one week; average number of artists in residence at one time: one to five. Artists who are collaborating may apply as a team. This residency is open to both US and non-US artists and open to all disciplines, however it looks like they are seeking artists who can utilize their audio and video equipment.The Wave Farm equipment inventory includes audio and video transmitters, receivers, recording equipment, post-production equipment, and a unique array of instrumentation. Artists can participate in online Radio (Audio & Video) presentations and public performances in conjunction with the residency program. Private housing (individual apartment/cabin/house) is provided, as well as some meals. A $200 stipend is offered to help off-set cost of groceries/meals, transportation to/from airport, bus & train stations. Contact Information: free103point9 Wave Farm AIRtime Residencies, 5662 Route 23,, Acra, New York 12405 United States. Work Tel: 518-622-2598, Email: info@free103point9.org, www.free103point9.org
(ALL DISCIPLINES) MacDowell Colony
The MacDowell Colony, located in Peterborough, New Hampshire, facilitates a balance between focused work and interdisciplinary interaction, among composers, writers, and visual artists. The average length of residency is four weeks with a maximum stay of two months. The next deadline for MacDowell is Sept. 15, 2009. Open to all disciplines and artist from all nations.This retreat-style residency was founded in 1907 and is situated on 450 acres in the Monadnock Region of New Hampshire. Private housing is provided (individual apartment/cabin/house), or a private bedroom in a shared housing facility. Travel grants available as needed; writers’ aid, etc. is based on need. Contact: The MacDowell Colony, 100 High Street, Peterborough, New Hampshire 03458 United States. Work Tel: 603 924-3886, Fax: 603 924-9142, Email: info@macdowellcolony.org, www.macdowellcolony.org.
***Just so you know, MacDowell is, like Yaddo, very high on the food chain so you should only apply if you are really serious, have the track record to prove your accomplishments. If you are just starting out, i.e. emerging, and have never published or have exhibited only a little, I would first try applying to a residency that clearly states that they are open to emerging artists and writers, etc. Not to disuade you, but it's good to know where you stand before you apply for certain things. On that note, good luck!