Greetings...just a quick note to say that I have temporarily removed my book recommendations from the sidebar because it seems, for some reason, that Amazon aliens have taken over my list and replaced the book covers with flashing generic ads without telling me! Anyway, I'll figure out what happened and get them back up there sooner or later. Sorry to have inadvertently subjected you to flashiness. I cannot abide by flashiness. Also, one more thing---don't forget to check my sidebar on the right for new residencies that I don't list in postings. You can click on the photos and be taken directly to the website. As usual, I try to only list places that are FREE and, when possible, open to international artists. Oh...I am also currently looking for the following grants/opportunities, so if you have found something that is quite wonderful and wish to share the opportunity with me and others, please place a comment below with the information. Here's my list:
1. grants/fellowships for travel funding to international residencies.
2. grants for graphic novel/memoirists.
3. substantial grants/fellowships for musicians/composers/sound artists.
4. scholarships for artists, writers, etc. to attend MFA programs, especially low-residency ones.

I do have info on the above, however, I cannot possibly know about everything so if you have come across something great, pass it on. Thanks! Mira
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