This international residential center for writers and literary translators is located in the town of Visby on Gotland, Sweden. The Centre has eleven studios/rooms and is open all year round. BCWT comprises two buildings, with a magnificent view of the medieval town, the cathedral and the sea. The Centre welcomes applicants from all countries but priority of residence is given to literary professionals from the countries of the Baltic Sea region and Scandinavia, i.e. Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia,Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Russia, Sweden. Fore more information, go to: www.bcwt.org.
(ARTISTS & WRITERS) Lanesboro Residency Program
The Lanesboro Residency Program offers one-month residencies for sculptors, artists, poets, and writers in a picturesque hamlet (population 858) with historic main street and nearby 200-foot bluffs, trout river, and bike trail. Stipends are $2,000 for the month. For more information and application, send SASE to above address or see website. Cornucopia Art Center, 103 Parkway Avenue N - PO Box 152, Lanesboro, MN 55949 E-Mail: info@lanesboroarts.org
Website: www.lanesboroarts.org/cac-artist-in-residence.php Deadline: June 30, 2009.
(ARTISTS & MUSICIANS) Artists Residencies Program in Paris
Artists Residencies at the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris: This extended residency program is designed principally for non-French artists. Candidates must have completed their initial training and have started a professional activity and have proof of previous work. They have to be under 35 years old. They benefit from personalized support throughout their stay. Logistic and administrative help and information are also available. The program is dedicated to architects, visual artists and musicians. For more information, go to the website: http://www.ciup.fr/residences_artistes.htm. Application deadline: June 15, 2009.