SANTA FE ARTS INSTITUTE (SFAI) EMERGENCY FUNDS: SFAI has instituted an ongoing Emergency Relief Residency to provide residencies for artists and writers whose lives and work are compromised by domestic strife, political upheaval or natural disasters. Residencies are by application only. In response to the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina, SFAI is ready to make available its facility to artists, writers and crafts people who lost homes, studios, art work or jobs. For more info, go to: http://www.sfai.org/applications.html
(ARTISTS & WRITERS) Residency in Santa Fe
Besides their emergency residencies, the Santa Fe Art Institute (SFAI) also conducts a bi-annual competitive selection process for artist and writer residencies that focuses on the professional experience of the artist, the quality of their past work, and their potential to have a productive residency at SFAI. Residents are housed in handsomely appointed rooms with private baths and are provided with beautiful, well-lit studio spaces, allowing them to pursue creative projects without interruption. The overall physical layout of the residency space encourages daily interaction and fosters communication among residents from all over the world. The length of SFAI Residencies varies from one month (minimum) to three months (maximum). Deadline: December 31, 2009. SFAI offers generous financial aid packages in the form of need-based scholarships and scholarships so check their website for details.
(TRANSLATORS) Witter Bynner Poetry Translation Residency
The SFAI, in conjunction with the Witter Bynner Foundation, offers two poetry translator residencies per year. The residencies are open to both published and emerging poetry translators and include stipends to subsidized transportation and accommodations and a modest living stipend. This residency is for one month.
Deadline for Witter Bynner Poetry Translation Residency: December 31, 2009.
For more information on SFAI's Residency program, please contact Residency Director Michelle Laflamme-Childs at (505) 424-5050 or mchilds@sfai.org or visit the website at: http://www.sfai.org/applications.html
(AUSTRALIAN ARTISTS) Emerging Artist Grants
The Ian Potter Cultural Trust seeks to encourage the diversity and excellence of emerging artists in Australia. The Trust makes grants of up to $7,000 to early career artists practising in a wide range of disciplines within the arts, including the performing and visual arts, crafts, music, the media, literature, design, community arts and other areas. The Trust was established by The Ian Potter Foundation in 1993 to enable individual artists of exceptional talent to be given support to undertake professional development overseas, including postgraduate study. The Trust is distinctive in both scale and breadth, and unmatched in Australia. http://culturaltrust.ianpotter.org.au/ Oct. 1 2009 deadline.
(CANADIAN WRITERS) Emergency Grants
The Writer's Trust Woodcock Fund/ Emergency Grants: Provides emergency funding for established Canadian writers in mid-project who are facing financial crisis. Since its inception, the Woodcock Fund has supported 103 Canadian writers in financial difficulty. For more information visit the website at: http://www.writerstrust.com or contact James Davies, Senior Program Manager, Phone: 416.504.8222 x 245. Email: jdavies@writerstrust.com
(QUILTERS) National Quilting Association Grants
Through its annual grant program, National Quilting Association provides financial support for organizations and individuals in education, research and outreach. Projects within the following interests will be considered: Education of quilt-makers, original research into the historical documentation of quilts, quilt-makers and subjects related to quilt-making, research on the social history related to quilts, outreach to the community through the art of quilt-making. Download application from website: http://nqaquilts.org/grantprogram.php
Deadline: October, 15, 2009.
(MUSICIANS & COMPOSERS) Emergency Grants
Sweet Relief: sweetrelief.org gives emergency funding to musicians, songwriters, vocalists, composers, arrangers and instrumentalists in need. Candidacy for assistance depends, among other factors, on the availability of funds and the number of eligible applicants, along with the following criteria:
1. The applicant must be a musician who has regular public performances, or performed on at least three widely released recordings (audio or audiovisual), or written music that has been performed on three widely released recordings, or published on three occasions. The term "Musician" includes vocalists, songwriters, composers, arrangers, and instrumentalists.
2. The applicant must demonstrate financial need. Sweet Relief may request tax returns, bank statements, and/or any other information deemed necessary to verify such need.
3. Except for retired or semi-retired older musicians the applicant must have, or recently have had, a serious medical condition. A condition is considered to be serious when it substantially affects the applicant’s ability to work within or outside the music industry (i.e. a survival job). A diagnosis by a medical doctor, or hospital or medical bills indicating such condition, must be provided.
4. Our grants for older musicians provide short-term assistance for basic needs.
Any individual who does not meet these criteria but believes himself or herself to be eligible for assistance may request an application for a grant by providing a written explanation as to why the Grant Committee should make an exception to the above policies. You may call 714-846-3030 or (toll free) 888-955-7880 or fax 626-792-2899 for more information or visit the website at: http://www.sweetrelief.org.
***Also, check out these other websites when seeking emergency funding for musicians and composers: http://www.singers.org/ and http://www.musiciansfoundation.org/