Dear Gentle Readers,

So lately, for whatever reason (increased popularity of my blog, temporary insanity of a few people, astrological weirdness, or general confusion), I've been getting many, many proposals in my in-box and requests from people to read them through and give feedback. Usually a day or two before the applications are due. (By the way, it is bad form to do this on such short notice to people you know, let alone people you don't know personally.) These are proposals for various grants and fellowships or applications to residencies. (Oh, I also have gotten some rather strange and long-winded requests for money too. Lots of money. Odd, that.)

Anyway, most of you are very respectful and take it to heart when I say that I do this blog for free (translated: I spend many hours researching, managing, writing people back, etc.) and that if you have a burning question, you check my FAQs on the side bar first before asking me privately. However, for those of you who don't check my FAQs: dudes, scroll down and read them! I need you to. You need to be resourceful and figure this out and that is why I do this blog. To help people help themselves. As for reading people's proposals--as much as I would love to help, I simply can't. It is just way too time consuming. And if you read my article "Finding Money for Your Dreams," you know that I suffer from a brain injury. I don't mean to whine, so please don't take this the wrong way, but you need to know that the way it works is this: if I read something several pages one day, that means that I will then be way too exhausted to do my own writing later that day and maybe the next. So you see, it is too taxing on my wee brain. It's enough just to do this blog.

I'm about to go back into my book and re-edit it once again, as well as finish all the artwork. That means less time for Mira's List. I will do my very best to keep you all informed but please--do check those FAQs, use the comment forum at the bottom of the right hand sidebar so others can put their two cents in, and do not send me attached documents of your proposals, your Fulbright grant applications, your MacDowell applications, etc. I just can't do it. I get very, very tired just reading your emails asking me to help you. It doesn't mean I don't like you. It means I am not the person for the job.

I don't mean to complain. But things are getting out of hand so I had to say something. Please pass it on to others that I don't look at grant proposals. And if you feel like Mira's List has helped you in anyway whatsoever, consider making a small donation on the donation link on the right hand sidebar. Even if it's five dollars. Every little bit helps. I am trying to maintain this as a free site so any contribution would be appreciated, especially if you feel like you learned something from an article or you found out about an amazing opportunity here. Help keep this blog going or it will fizzle out in the future, as much as I'd like it to grow.

Thanks for listening. I guess I really got bombarded this month with letters and proposals, etc. Probably because the fall is a big application time and everyone out there needs money. Anyway, good luck with your endeavors, keep making art, keep applying for things and be courageous and go forth! I'm here to be your faithful resource and so I shall continue to....
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