Greetings all. I'm sorry I've been gone all week. Holiday stuff---turkeys, a multitude of dogs, humanoids and the usual sugar coma following excessive pie consumption. But I'm back now and was disturbed to find out that yet AGAIN, google disabled my Mira's List gmail account. So I'm switching to another email address and it won't be with google. I'll do that later today or tomorrow so check back to see my new email address in the next day or so. I am sincerely sorry that some of you haven't been able to reach me.

On another note, I've had several comments about the last post, the one that offers financial support for an artist (ARTWORKInternational, Inc.). Some people thought it was a little dodgy and they couldn't tell if the $12,000 was in the form of professional services or if the artist got funding plus professional help. Some readers also objected to the $35 application fee. I looked at the grant more closely and yes, it is true, the $12,000 award is not given in actual financial assistance but rather it pays for the professional help that this organization provides. So those of you who are looking for a lump sum of money, this is not for you. However, this could be valuable to some of you who really need to jump-start their careers but don't have the funding to do it. That said, I cannot vouch for this organization as I really don't know much about it. I found the announcement in a couple very reputable sites though, and there are several organizations that offer funding this way, i.e. in the form of professional help, so I don't find that part odd (although they only let you know in the fine print way at the bottom of the webpage, which I do find sneaky.) Anyway, if you are interested in checking this place out and you find more info on it, please let me know. I simply don't have the time.

A word about application fees though---most of the time, I try to find opportunities that don't charge a fee to apply. However, the fact that some do charge a fee should not stop you from applying if it's a great grant or residency. Some of the more prestigious fellowships and grants charge a fee, anywhere from $15 to $50. The stakes are much higher, and they sometimes have to pay judges, and (unfortunately) some places feel that if you are willing to pay to apply, you are probably more serious. Think about college applications. You have to pay for those too and pay a lot. So I wouldn't discount something just because there is a fee.

Here is one situation I WOULD discount though, and that is the fee for contests that offer little money. I often see writing contests (more than visual art ones for some reason) that charge, say, $15 to enter, yet the top award is only $100! Forget it. As far as I'm concerned, those contests are bogus. I just wouldn't enter them at all. Any reputable and serious literary contest (or art contest) offers a prize of at least $1000 if the entry fee is $15. That's my little rule. The other ones are not respected in the writing world. Often, people just start these contests because they want to make money. Think about it--you get a bunch of people to send in $15. You're not paying a judge. It's all online so there's no processing or mailing costs. It's not a literary journal so the writer doesn't get to publish the piece she sent. And all they have to do is pay the person who wins $100 to $500. But how do we know there was a real person who won the prize? I've checked out some of these websites and they just post someone's name and the title of their piece. There are no respected judges from the world of letters, no opportunity to publish, just some individual who is taking your money. BOGUS.

I know some really wonderful and helpful people are posting these opportunities on their blogs. But I have been in the literary world for a while and trust me, if you want to enter a contest, go to Poets & Writers or check out what is going on in AWP's Writer's Chronicle for reputable contests. These other contests are just not worth your time.

Okay. I'm done yelling. I'll post my new email address soon. In the meantime, stop reading this and get back in the studio!
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