Good morning...the sun is shining, it's almost time to plant the garden, my espresso's ready and here are some photography grants waiting to be had...and of course, don't forget to take my poll!

The Alexia Foundation
The Alexia Foundation offers $15,000 grants to allow professional photographers to produce images that further the foundation’s goal of promoting world peace and cultural understanding. Applicants must submit a proposal for a photo project of no more than 750 words. For complete guidelines and application information, visit

Open Society Institute—Documentary Photography Project Distribution Grant
The Open Society Institute provides grants to encourage new ways of presenting documentary photography to the public. The grant enables photographers who have already completed a significant project on issues of social justice to present the work to the public in innovative and appropriate ways, ensuring that the work gains critical exposure and also has the greatest chance to stimulate constructive social change. All projects submitted for consideration must have another institution that agrees to financially and practically support its distribution (such as a nongovernmental organization, publisher, website, or gallery), and will collaborate with the photographer to use the work to promote social change. Grants of $5,000 to $30,000 will be awarded. Deadline: Jun. 19, 2009. The official announcement and description of this opportunity may be found on the funding agency's website:
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