Since 1981 the Artist-in-Residence Program at Altos de Chavon in the Dominican Republic has welcomed a roster of distinguished participants as well as artistic newcomers. Painters, sculptors, photographers, writers, musicians, and architects broaden the cultural and intellectual exchange at Altos de Chavon through three-month residencies. One of Altos de Chavon's goals is to expose its visitors to art and artists at work. The Artist-in-Residence Program seeks out participants whose work will be enhanced by interaction with a tropical, Caribbean environment. At the same time, an effort is made to attract artists who are comfortable working in a community setting with open studios. The three-month residency gives emerging or established artists an opportunity to live and work in a setting of architectural and natural beauty. Many of Chavon's visitors, and some of the artists, are Dominican, so a knowledge of Spanish is very helpful. Artists live in compact, comfortable apartments that are part of the School of Design’s housing complex. Artists pay nominal monthly rent, their own airfare, and daily living expenses. Near the apartments are small individual studio spaces. Each artist is expected to be part of a group exhibition or give a performance at the end of his or her residency. Artists can sell their work through the Gallery at Altos de Chavon. For more information, go to: http://www.altosdechavon.com/fs_artits_in_residence.htm
Deadline is July 15.
ESTACIÓN FORESTAL CENTRO RURAL DE ARTE: International Artist in Residence Program, 25 de Mayo City, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Deadline: June 3, 2009 for residency September 14th thru 26th, 2009. This call is open to artists of different disciplines: drama and performing arts, dance, fine arts and visual arts (video, cinema, photography), literature, music and sound research, landscape creation and others. Individual artists or groups can apply. The residence will take place in Estación Forestal INTA 25 de Mayo, Argentina, and every artist carries out a creative project that can be either ad hoc generated or part of a work in progress. For more information contact: www.centroruraldearte.org.ar