(WRITERS) University of Louisville Axton Fellowship in Fiction: Writers who have received their terminal degree within the last five years in Creative Writing are invited to apply for an Axton Fellowship in Creative Writing. The purpose of these fellowships is to provide recent graduates with time to further their own work, to associate them with a distinguished faculty, and to allow them to contribute to a vibrant creative writing community. This year one fellow in fiction will be appointed for the academic years 2010-2011 and 2011-2012, and will be awarded a stipend and benefits. The fellow will give a reading in the Axton reading series during her or his tenure, will run a two-day literary seminar, and will teach one course each semester. Of these courses, one will be of the fellow’s design, another will be on the teaching of creative writing, and the other two will be creative writing or literature courses. The fellow will be expected to be in residence in Louisville during their fellowship period. The fellowship will provide a stipend of $25,000 a year plus benefits for two years. Candidates for the fellowship should submit the following documents: a) a current CV; b) a one-page proposal for an undergraduate course; c) a writing sample-no more than 25 pages; and d) at least three letters of recommendation. Applications must be postmarked by November 1, 2009. Mail applications to: Axton Fellowships, Jeff Skinner, Acting Director of Creative Writing, Department of English, Bingham Humanities 315, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky, 40292. I JUST got the announcement in my mailbox today and the deadline is obviously SUNDAY, so you might want to double-check that deadline.