1. Place the log on the blog.
2. Link to the person who nominated the blog for this award.
3. Name seven things about yourself that people might find interesting–or that they don’t know.
4. Nominate seven Kreativ Bloggers.
5. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
6. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
1. I lived above the 72nd parallel in the Norwegian Arctic in a reindeer herding village for a while. With a whiny vegan guy. Don't ask.
2. I am particularly fond of monotremes, which are evolutionary cross-overs: the platypus and the echydna (otherwise known as the spiny anteater.)
3. Although most people think of me as a classical-early music/world music person, my favorite music documentary is about Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, called Running Down the Dream. Go get it now!!
4. Because of my brain injury, most of what I write one day is completely forgotten the next. Welcome to Groundhog Day!
5. My father, who had been a writer, was close friends with Saul Bellow and when my sister was a baby, she peed in his lap. She is a writer too and I suppose that act was her first attempt at literary schmoozing.
6. I visited Pope John Paul's summer home in 1990 and following a private concert, I refused to kneel and kiss his papal ring. Kind of a visceral reaction I guess. Long story involving guards, guns, interrogations and the like...
7. I played hockey as a kid and keep my hockey skates in the back of my car all winter. You never know when you might see a frozen pond...
Seven blogs I'd like to nominate for the Kreativ Blogger Award:
1. Yoga and Creativity: Practicing the Art of Living: http://michaelmccolly.vox.com
2. Editorial Ass: http://editorialass.blogspot.com/
3. Artist Emerging: http://artistemerging.blogspot.com/
4. Sticker Kitty: http://stickerkitty.wordpress.com/
5. MFA Weblog: http://creative-writing-mfa-handbook.blogspot.com/
6. Elephant and Butter: http://elephantbutter.blogspot.com/
7. Get Your S*HT Together: http://gyst-ink.com/blog/
Okay, that took up a chunk of my morning. Now on to finding you guys some money....
Best wishes,
Your pal, Mirabee