(ALL DISCIPLINES) Sacatar Foundation Residency in Brazil
The Sacatar Residency offers eight week residencies from May to February. The Instituto Sacatar provides unstructured time and space for creative individuals to develop new work. Specifically, a Fellowship to Sacatar provides: • Roundtrip airfare between the artist's closest regional airport and Salvador, Bahia, Brazil • A private bedroom with attached bath • A separate studio • All meals (except on Saturday night, all day Sunday and holidays)
The residency is in a somewhat primitive location and the foundation encourages artists to work primitively - that is, simply and directly with few complex tools, materials or technologies. They have limited or no facilities or equipment for dance, theater, photography, music, video or film. For residents of the U.K., there is a program through the British Council that generously funds artists with proposals to produce work in Brazil: www.artistlinks.org.br. These proposals can be for anywhere in Brazil and for the length of time desired by the applicant and can include multiple residencies, including time at the Instituto Sacatar.
For more information about Instituto Sacatar, write to: Instituto Sacatar, Rua da Alegria 10 Itaparica BA 44460 Brasil or email: info@sacatar.org or visit the website at: www.sacatar.org.
Application Deadline: November 15, 2009. ***I noticed that the website now says April 10 so please double check or write them)
(WRITERS & ARTISTS) Saskatchewan Writers/Artists Colony
The Saskatchewan Writers/Artists Colony offers residencies to writers and visual artists at two retreats in Saskatchewan: St. Peter's Abbey (two weeks in February or six weeks in July/August) and Emma Lake. The weekly fees are $225–275 Canadian; financial assistance is available. Deadlines are December 1 for winter and May 2 for the summer.Writers from anywhere are welcome to apply. Write, fax, or see the web site for additional information and guidelines. Saskatchewan Writers/Artists Colony c/o Saskatchewan Writers Guild, PO Box 3986, Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 3R9, Canada. E-Mail: skcolony@sasktel.net. Website: www.skwriter.com/programdesc.asp?id=23. Deadline: December 1, 2009.
(MEDIA ARTISTS) KiK Residency in Netherlands
Stichting KiK in Nijeveen: KiK is an art foundation located in an old milk factory in the North of the Netherlands, which fosters projects that make full use of the unique opportunities of the rural landscape. KiK offers residencies for development, research, co-operation, experiment and production of dynamic and innovative projects. * Duration: three months (November 2009 - February 2010), no deadline. International artists are welcome to apply. * Disciplines: architecture, photographers, video and film, as long as the project is related to the landscape and heritage. * Monthly grant: 750 euro.
For more information, write to: Stichting KiK, Kolderveen 30, 7948 NJ Nijeveen, Netherlands or call +31 522-491003, E-mail stichtingkik@planet.nl or visit the website at: www.kik-site.nl.